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What Is Goosegrass?
Goosegrass disguises itself as regular grass in your lawn, but it will slowly overtake the healthy turfgrass you work so hard to maintain unless you know how to spot it!
What Is Crabgrass?
Crabgrass is one of the most common and annoying lawn weeds you will find. Luckily, its unsightly appearance in your lawn makes it easy to identify and remove.
What Is Virginia Buttonweed?
Virginia buttonweed is a flowering lawn weed native to the South, and it will spread rapidly across your beautiful grass if you do not take steps to identify and treat it immediately.
What Is White Clover?
Despite what many think, white clover in your lawn is anything but lucky. Come learn why controlling this lawn weed is the only way to ensure good landscaping fortune.
What Is Large Patch?
Large patch is a common and unsightly fungal lawn disease that covers large swaths of your property in brittle and brown grass, but it can be prevented with the proper lawn care knowledge.
What Is Take-All Root Rot?
Take-all-root-rot is a lawn disease that will, of course, cause your lawn's roots to rot away and make your grass become discolored and weak. Come learn more to keep your lawn protected!
What Is Lawn Rust?
Lawn rust is a turf disease that infects your grass and actually leaves rust stains, similar in appearance to the rust that affects metals, all over your yard.
What Is Leaf Spot?
Leaf spot is a fungal disease that, of course, leaves unsightly spots all over your grass and other plants in your yard if it is not caught early and properly treated.
What Is Fairy Ring?
Fairy ring covers your lawn in circles of spores and damages the grass around the affected area. Come learn all about this common Georgia lawn disease.
A Homeowner’s Guide To Lawn Weeds In Georgia
Lawn weeds come in many different varieties, and knowing the different types makes it easier to spot and stop an invasion on your turf.
What Is Necrotic Ring Spot?
Necrotic ring spot causes some of the ugliest damage of all lawn diseases, leaving rings of dead turf spread across your green landscape.
What Is Brown Spot?
The most common of all lawn diseases, brown spot is notorious for infecting your turf with unsightly patches of discolored grass. Come learn how to defend against it!
What Is Powdery Mildew?
Powdery mildew is an appropriately named fungal plant disease that will cover your lawn and garden with tiny, white spores if it is not caught and treated promptly.
What Is Dollar Spot?
Dollar spot is a fungal lawn disease that causes silver dollar-sized patches to form in your lawn, making its detection quite difficult without the proper knowledge.
Mulching vs. Bagging Grass Clippings
Homeowners and lawn care enthusiasts often debate about mulching vs. bagging grass clippings. Come learn the pros and cons to decide what is best for your lawn!
10 Most Common Lawn Diseases In Georgia
Lawn disease is an all-too-common problem for the damp lawns of Georgia. It is important to know the early warning signs and best treatments for the most common diseases.
A Homeowner's Guide To Grassy Weeds In Georgia
Grassy weeds are often overlooked in lawns because of their similarities to turfgrass. This post will help you identify and remove these grassy intruders!
10 Common Weeds In Georgia
With the many different types of weeds in Georgia, knowing the most common ones is key to protecting and preserving your lawn and garden.
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